Increase in lithium related fires: what are the implications for insured ?


Despite the exponential growth in the number of fires resulting from this, regulations and insurance policy practices have not (yet) adapted to them. The storage of this material in France is not subject to specific safety standards. There is also no “lithium” exclusion in insurance policy. This lack of adaptation often creates difficulties in coverage by insurance companies in the event of a claim. The arguments sometimes raised by insurers to refuse coverage are not directly related to the presence of lithium, but this latter is the indirect cause of many disputes between insurers and insureds.

We therefore draw the attention of insured companies to this point, in order to try to prevent it as much as possible, and in the event of a claim, to obtain the highest possible coverage from their insurers.

Fire in the Bolloré Logistics warehouse: what risks do lithium batteries pose? – Le Parisien