Cyber insurance: insurance and criminal law practice
My article with Armand Feste-Guidon, criminal lawer.
Cyber insurance: insurance and criminal law practice
My article with Armand Feste-Guidon, criminal lawer.
The challenge for local authorities to obtain insurance
Insurance coverage has become a real challenge for local authorities. Integrating and mastering the rules of public procurement is crucial.
Jérôme Goy & ENTHEMIS among the 8 5-star firms in the Statista Le Point ranking of the best ‘Insurance Law’ law firms 2024.
The “Insurance Law” practice led by Jérôme Goy once again distinguished in the list of the best law firms 2024 by Statista LE POINT.
Managing General Agent (MGA)
An insurance distributor in full expansion facing the limits of the law After Anglo-Saxon insurance, the distribution model of the Managing General Agent (MGA) is booming in the French market. Let's review the advantages as well as the limitations of these new types of distributors, which until now have the status of brokers under regulation.
The MGAs, these unidentified intermediaries
Coming from across the Channel, Managing General Agents (MGAs) are becoming increasingly prevalent in France. An insurance intermediation practice that is not recognized, but claimed by certain insurtech companies.
MGAs, Affinity Brokers : Why More Bankruptcies?
To those familiar with the economic model of insurance brokerage, bankruptcy and judicial liquidation seem hard to imagine. However, the notable cases of SFAM and Luko, among others, have left a significant impression on the insurance industry microcosm.
Insurance distribution: The regulatory net tightens further around the status of regulated intermediaries
Commentary on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, of September 29, 2022, no. C-633/20
Insurtech and MGA’s
The application of 1935 brokerage practices to MGAs and international adhesion contracts: the Paris Commercial Court ruling of October 2, 2023
Covid Losses and Insurance
The Court of Cassation Opens Two Additional Doors for Insured Businesses